Free-form HTML


Property settings for the free-form html container.


Force a column break before, after, or both before and after this control.

Break height

Specify the vertical distance between this control and the next control. Use CSS syntax. e.g. 10px, .5in, 20pt.


Specify the class name.

Free-form layout

Enter HTML text to appear in the free-form layout. You can include placeholders to display any other controls that have been hidden. The editor ONLY shows placeholders for controls that have been hidden.


Specify the height.


Specify the control id.

Prevent container float

By default all freeform containers are set to 'float'. This option prevents the container from using the 'float' attribute in its CSS style. Use this option when you want the html in the freeform container to use the full available width of container's parent. This can be useful when you want to align objects to the right or center within the freeform container.

Remove missing placeholders

The free-form layout uses placeholders for controls in the dialog. If a placeholder for a control has not been defined, or if the control was removed because of a server side show/hide expression, or security setting, the placeholder in the template will not get replaced. If you check this box, unresolved placeholders will be removed.


Specify the in-line style for the <div> that encloses the free-form layout.


Specify the width. Use CSS units.

Wrap child controls in a DIV

By default all of the controls inside a free-form layout are wrapped in a DIV with an in-line style of display:inline-block. If you uncheck the Wrap child controls in a DIV property, the child controls will not be wrapped in a DIV.